Brethren of Kilwinning Lodge No. 64 were thrilled to receive this gift from V.W. Bro. Bob Sadler in 2019. This poster-sized Masonic Record for a Bro. John Price was found inside of its original mailing tube. It was brittle from age and the Lodge voted to have it restored and protected. It is now displayed in the ante room at the London Masonic Center for all to enjoy.

Besides the beautiful illustrations and colours one can determine that Bro. Price was:
- Initiated on July 22, 1858
- Passed to the Fellowcraft Degree on July 22, 1858
- Raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason on September 16, 1858
Also of interest is the reference to Kilwinning Lodge No.32. When Kilwinning Lodge was instituted on May 15, 1856 it was numbered 32. In 1858 the “ancient” Provincial Grand Lodge united with the Grand Lodge of Canada and Kilwinning Lodge was renumbered 64, according to its seniority.
Bro. Price was recorded as being a Fireman in the Lodge Register, and the Census from 1861 shows John Price, Fireman, and his family.