- Very Worshipful Brother Michael SmithAt the annual Communication of Grand Lodge in July (2022), the Grand Master, M.W. Bro.Thomas W. Hogeboom appointed W. Bro Michael Smith as a Grand Steward for the upcoming year. V.W. Bro. Michael Smith received his new regalia from London East District Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Bob Deller and W. Bro William Sercombe at …
- District Deputy Grand Master’s Official Visit – 2022The brethren of Kilwinning Lodge were proud to host their own R.W.Bro. Robert Leffley, DDGM of the London East District, on his Official Visit May 20, 2022. Many visitors and present and past Grand Lodge Officers were in attendance. In his address R.W.Bro. Leffley spoke about the situation in Ukraine and asked everyone to consider …
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- Masonic Record of Brother John Price – 161 years in the makingBrethren of Kilwinning Lodge No. 64 were thrilled to receive this gift from V.W. Bro. Bob Sadler in 2019. This poster-sized Masonic Record for a Bro. John Price was found inside of its original mailing tube. It was brittle from age and the Lodge voted to have it restored and protected. It is now displayed …
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- Robert Leffley elected D.D.G.M. for London East Masonic DistrictOn June 19, 2021 Kilwinning Lodge’s own Robert Leffley was elected District Deputy Grand Master of London East for the 2021/22 Masonic year. Congratulations Rob! Rob was initiated into Kilwinning Lodge No. 64 in January 1997 and was passed and raised later that same year. R.W. Bro. Leffley was installed as Master in 2008, elected …
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