Very Worshipful Brother Michael Smith

At the annual Communication of Grand Lodge in July (2022), the Grand Master, M.W. Bro.Thomas W. Hogeboom appointed W. Bro Michael Smith as a Grand Steward for the upcoming year. V.W. Bro. Michael Smith received his new regalia from London East District Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Bob Deller and W. Bro William Sercombe at the regular meeting of Kilwinning Lodge on September 16, 2022.

Very Worshipful Brother Smith wearing his new regalia, with W.Bro. William Sercombe and R.W.Bro. Bob Dellar

V.W.Bro. Michael Smith (left) with Worshiful Master W.Bro. William Sercombe (center) and R.W.Bro. Bob Dellar, D.D.G.M. London East (right)

MIchael served as District Secretary for R.W.Bro. Robert Leffley, D.D.G.M. London East for 2021-2022. His service to Freemasonry continues as the Worshipul Master of Kilwinning Lodge for 2022-2023, succeeding W.Bro. William Sercombe (seen above).

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